Discovery is the process which allows each party to try to secure information from the other party, or from others, about the case to help them prepare for trial or to enable them to resolve the case once the facts are more fully developed. The right of “Discovery” includes the right to obtain documents, written answers to written questions (Interrogatories) and the ability to inspect (persons, places and things). Sometimes discovery includes the right to seek a medical or mental evaluation of a party or others. There are many formalities involved, but generally, Discovery is a process to help parties and their lawyers learn what the facts are either from the other party or from third parties. Randall Kessler is a Family Lawyer and a founding partner of Kessler, Schwarz & Solomiany, P.C., an Atlanta, Georgia family-law firm. Randy has over 20 years of experience in Domestic Relations and Family Law matters including divorce, custody, paternity, prenuptial agreements and child support. He can be reached at 404.688.8810. Visit the firm’s website at http://kssfamilylaw.com. |
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