“What is the hardest part in a divorce?” While divorce can have many challenging aspects, in my experience the most difficult is how much divorce affects your daily life. That’s because divorce is not just about your legal marriage status. It affects your emotions, your financial health, and it can even affect your physical health, too. One way to look at divorce is like “nuclear chain reaction,” where one problem – say, problems related to your finances – instigates and worsens problems in other parts of your life. Without the right advice and a plan for success during and after divorce, a person can often end up stuck in disillusionment and pain. In addition, it’s also true that a very painful aspect of divorce is how it makes people feel about themselves. Many people identify themselves as part of a “couple.” Now with divorce, people are not just losing their family history and the domestic routing that they’re familiar with. They are, in a way, losing their identity and sense of self. This often leads to feelings of low self-worth and self-esteem. It’s very important for people to understand that there are always solid reasons why a relationship ends, and it’s not a “failure.” Ultimately, whether or not you agree that divorce is necessary at this time, the fact is that it is reality and is something that is now a part of your life. If you’re willing to accept the normal emotional phases that occur – and don’t give in to feelings of failure – then you’ll make it through your divorce and into your new life ahead with your self-esteem intact. |
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