Typically, it’s not very quick in Juvenile Court. A family law attorney brings a different perspective to Juvenile Court. We have public defenders that are in there all day, every day doing what they do, and we have the Family Services that really has a very strong presence there, pretty much telling everybody how it’s going to be. A family lawyer can bring a breath of fresh air in there because he/she is not going to agree to everything that Family Services wants to do. I fight differently for my clients and come up with more creative solutions. I have more time to really get working on the case and moving the case forward than maybe a public defender with a huge case load. I think it just turns out a lot better for my clients when they have someone that knows the divorce side and the juvenile side and can kind of work them together.
Laura Schantz, a Beaverton divorce and family lawyer and mediator has helped clients find creative solutions to complex financial matters involving asset division, spousal support, and child support. To learn more about Laura Schantz and her firm, visit www.oregondivorceattorney.com.
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