It’s the same for everybody. Take a deep breath and realize that a divorce is a marathon, not a sprint. That’s one of the things that I tell almost all of my clients. Particularly for business owners, getting organized with your business bookkeeping is something that has caused problems in many business valuation cases. I’ve had cases where people haven’t completed their taxes for many, many years. I’ve had cases where the bookkeeping is just in very bad shape, and it takes a lot of work to get it into shape just to figure out what’s going on with the business. The first step would probably be to get your bookkeeping up to date, to get your QuickBooks up to date, and get your taxes up to date; that will put you in a good position to move forward with a divorce when there is a business involved.
Laura Schantz, a Beaverton divorce and family lawyer and mediator has helped clients find creative solutions to complex financial matters involving asset division, spousal support, and child support. To learn more about Laura Schantz and her firm, visit www.oregondivorceattorney.com.
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