For women who are feeling very fearful about their future, it can be tempting to hire the stereotypical shark or a pitbull attorney who promises to take their ex to the cleaners in court. The sad truth is that the shark attorney knows that they can prey on this sphere to their advantage, usually by insisting on costly litigation even when an out-of-court settlement would be appropriate and deliver more positive solutions for the client.
Your lawyer is your advocate and is hired to represent you zealously to the best of their ability – not to start fights in court so that they can enrich themselves at your experience. The right lawyer for a woman – and really, for anyone – is someone who will fight hard for you, but who will not provoke or extend a fight that is not in your best interests.
Bari Zell Weinberger is the owner and managing partner of Weinberger Law Group in New Jersey. She is Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney.
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