A number that has been growing for the last 70 years is the discrepancy between genders for filing for divorce.
According to “Who Wants the Breakup? Gender and Breakup in Heterosexual Couples” (2015, updated in 2017) by Michael J. Rosenfeld, Ph.D. – a professor and social demographer at Stanford University – women are more likely to file for divorce than men in almost 70% of cases. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the number is more like 80%.
One would think that women, who are generally portrayed as being the heart of the family, would be more reluctant to formally break up a marriage than men. Obviously, that’s not the case.
As a divorce lawyer for many years, I have some insights into why women are more likely to file for divorce than men. These opinions are based on my observations from over 25 years as a practicing divorce lawyer.
The observations of another family lawyer with a different practice in a different town and state may contradict my own – and, of course, your experience may be the opposite of the six reasons I’ve provided (below). As with any generalization, there will be people who fit these patterns to a T, and others who don’t fit them at all.
However, awareness of an issue is the first step to resolving it, so I hope this article provides some food for thought – no matter whether you identify with the female or male experiences described below.
6 Reasons Why Women are More Likely to File for Divorce Than Men
1. Most women no longer dream of being housewives; they want satisfying careers and marriages.
Since World War II, women are increasingly less satisfied with the institution of marriage and the stereotypes associated with them. In the 1950s, Madison Avenue portrayed wives vacuuming or doing other household chores in cocktail dresses and high heels; women were expected to be housewives, the primary caregiver for the children, and still look fantastic (and have dinner ready to serve) when they men arrived home from work.
When wives had to become working women while their husbands were overseas during World War II, they found they liked earning money and having lives outside their homes, and they were reluctant to return to being “just a housewife”. One needs only look to the 1960s and 1970s and the odyssey of the feminist movement to understand that women, like Baby, will not be put in the corner.
Decades after the Women’s Liberation movement, women still feel oppressed, marginalized, and undervalued – and as the recent Women’s Marches have shown, they are no longer willing to put up with the status quo.
2. Women look forward to true equality of the sexes, men look backward to the “Golden Age” of marriage.
Men generally try to find and marry the woman of their dreams – and then expect that she’ll never change from the day they got married. Men are comfortable in their roles as the “head of the house” while women are not particularly satisfied with being pigeon-holed as a wife who supports her husband’s career, the primary caregiver to their children, and the unpaid domestic help.
Women, on the other hand, look at their partner’s potential. Women are more willing to marry someone who doesn’t check all of their boxes hoping that they can guide their men into perfection. Women become frustrated with men who resist change. Society, religion, and other cultural “norms” have oppressed women around the world for thousands of years, and women are becoming less and less inclined to go along with these regimes.
3. Women are less willing to accept unhappy relationships than men.
Generations of men have been trained to “man up” and stay in unhappy relationships – and perhaps to seek happiness outside their marriages to make their lives tolerable. Modern women, however, are more independent than most men think, and they’re unwilling to accept unhappy relationships month after month, year after year, with no hope of change.
Oftentimes men don’t even realize that they are in a failing relationship until their wives say “I want a divorce!” I have often heard male divorce clients state, “I thought everything was fine – I was blindsided by this divorce!
In business, “successful” men are trained to focus on intellectual pursuits, to use logic to solve all their problems and to ignore their emotions. Ironically, it is this disconnect that often causes a marriage to fail – and for men think their marriage is “fine” while their wives are talking to divorce lawyers. By the time the divorce is filed, women are done trying to work on the relationship.
4. Men often believe they have more to lose in a divorce than women.
Many men hold the misconception that they will do poorly in court – the cards are stacked against them in terms of finances and child custody. Many men’s divorce groups are perpetuating this idea: taking one man’s terrible experience and making it seem like all men are treated badly in court.
The stereotypes of men as breadwinners and women as caregivers have changed, but men still believe that they have more to lose than women in a divorce. For that reason alone, men are reluctant to “go there.”
5. Women are quicker to consult a lawyer than men.
Quite frankly, there is an advantage to be the plaintiff in court, in the sense that you get to go first and argue last. I would much rather represent a plaintiff than a defendant. While there are often “races to the courthouse”, most women are quicker to consult a lawyer than men and are empowered to pull the plug.
6. Women are much more aware of the emotional health of their marriages than men.
If the marriage is a “traditional” one – with a stay-at-home mom and a breadwinner dad – women are going to pick up on any problems with the marriage and the children before a man would. Women notice that their husbands regularly go out for drinks after wor with their co-workers, or spend evenings and weekends entertaining clients for dinner or a round of golf.
Meanwhile, they may not have spent any quality time together as a couple – without the children – (think “date night”) in months or even years. If they are concerned for the wellbeing of their children, their maternal instincts will often take action quicker than those of their male counterparts.
It is my opinion that the same reasons that cause a marriage to fail motivates women more than men to seek a divorce. Lack of communication, lack of empathy, lack of feeling supported by your spouse, and lack of emotional growth generally distress women more than men, making women more likely to file for divorce than men.
Men are usually more comfortable with the status quo than women, and women are more observant of red flags than men – so men are often shocked and surprised when their wives file for divorce.
Your wrong about men misconception about the may do poorly in court. I’m divorced three times and each time I did quite poorly in court and i have been the plaintiff and the defendant. The woman is more likely to take the mans kids away, get the car, and get the house. I don’t know where you get your information from but Women know they can easily shaft the guy so they are quick to do so the first bit of trouble they may have. Aware of their emotional health as you put it is hogwash. They are quick to bail because they get the kids and cash and prizes. American Women are far more materialistic than men. American women are taught they don’t need men in modern society. American women are taught to be independent. Guys need a prenuptial agreement to level the playing field because divorce laws are against men.
Hi Dough from a womans perspective I would say by and large women do not want to leave a marriage especially if she has children a decent spouse and family members. Its when respect is corroded, reactive actions are taken and man wants to be in control all the time and thinks wife to be crap do problems surface.
I’m in agreement; women file at 70% because they get all the resources to fund their real desire, which is to be a mom. The problem is that it’s at the man’s expense. Men, and especially my generation( Millennials) have learned that the system is rigged against men and won’t move forward with a predatory contract that allows a woman to legally extort the man. Besides, modern women don’t keep up their end of the bargain as the average man reports that women withhold sex in the marriage. Now they give you the milk for free and cheat on their husbands and take their money. Once a woman hits 35, their beauty crashes faster then the stockmarket of 1987. Next is menopause, which is the end of your sex life. Women are a bad long-term investment. It’s a better deal to rent them in their 20s and trade up when they hit their 30s. Sorry ladies, you have made it this way. Said because we only ask you to do the basics: Sex, food, respect, and be faithful to those things.
Your comment shows how disgusting your mentality is.Sadly most men have the same mentality as yours and still ya’ll wonder why women file for divorce at this high rate!
Women are fucking sick of men at this point.Being a single mom looks like a better option than dealing with all the porn addict,game addict,lazy,broke fellas.
‘It’s better deal to rent them in their 20’s then trade up when they hit 30’s.’
No wonder why older men nowadays are portrayed as Creeps,Paedophiles,rapists.
50 yrs old hags really think women in their 20’s would find them attractive ?
She would go for a bald man with saggy balls,lower sex drive,electric dysfunction when she have 10 times better option than him?
Men are so delusional it’s hilarious.
Nadia, you nailed it!! What women would go for a older man “father figure”? Women never like saying daddy in bed with their lover. Daddy provided—men today dont provide. They just take. 50 year old men are crazy to think 20 year old girls would want them. But wait, ever been to Vegas? I see hot young women with older men all the time. Why is that? Maybe, because, 50 year old men can get 20 year olds looking for a father figure to take care of them. By the 20’s most women realize their body is of value. Sexual Market Place Value. It decreases over time as any used item. The more its used, the less its worth. There is a reason why women call other women sluts and whores. They degrade other women who give themselves freely. Women do not like other women who give it up cheaply. Like real estate, neighbor sells house for cheap, all house values in area goes down. Women do not like women who devalue the female body. Why do men take women out to eat? Spend money on them? Is it often reciprocated? Why not? Whats the difference in buying a $200.00 dinner and drinks and just giving the girl $200 dollars to take off her clothes? Nothing…women are raised to use their bodies for what they want…essentially making most women—whores and prostitutes.
“Women are fucking sick of men at this point”
Your mentality is as bad as his. The fact of the matter is, there’s very few high quality people out there in general for long term relationships, from both genders. When you said “Being a single mom looks like a better option than dealing with all the porn addict,game addict,lazy,broke fellas” all you did is confirm what he said about women using men for their resources, then screwing them over in divorce court. Marriage is a woman’s game, and many men are realizing this.
You’re also wrong about a woman having 10x more options after having kids and going through a divorce. A 35 year old divorced single dad has a higher sexual marketplace value than a 35 year old divorced single mom. This is based off of data from rate of responses on dating sites. A woman’s value in the dating world drops after 30, while a man’s goes up until around 45.
We just rent them. Don’t even care to have them around. I think you missed that point.
I agree, I am a woman who has not been involved with a man for over 10 years. There has been too much disrespect and abuse, and I am tired of it. So, I have been alone for all of these years.
Doug and Stephen A. Sharp are right on point. the article is a bunch of bull if you ask me. We all know why women file over 70% of the time. They get the bag….
Doug and Stephen: You guys nailed it. The courts have given females the jackpot prize with the concept of divorce these days. So most females go into the marriage already thinking what they can get if they got divorced, not how to fix, repair, do better for bith of them, and the children. They could care less how it effects the kids, they want to steal the money and start fresh with the big come up.
I agree, men should stay away from marriage unless they have an solid Iron clad prenuptial agreement, or the laws have been changed to a fair balance (& good luck with that). Females today are very selfish, over emotional, and quick to be nasty, evil and vindictive. This makes most females incapable of being fair, loyal, putting others first or being logical if a break up occurs. Todays females have an unrealistic sense of self entitlement. Like the daddy’s little girl that never grew up. That Feminist and Liberal nonsense have destroyed females, no empowered them as they have been brainwashed to believe. Everyone looses in this world of the Looney Toon nutt jobs. No ones happy, satisfied, complete, and the children lost, hurt, confused, and damaged by all of the nonsense. These scatter brain ideologies have destroyed relationships and marriage. Females today see these things as a way to come up, for themselves, bag grabbing, not building up a family or legacy…
Well stated. And EXACTLY THE TRUTH
Men lose their looks too. Men lose hair, balls sag, you get big guts and tiny bird legs, sprout hairs like an animal. You get man boobs. You lose your butt and your penis gets soft. Your ability to communicate is sad at best. And you become boring. Laying on the couch, petting dogs and farting in your sweatpants. Women want the same as men…sex, food and respect.
Hi Priya: I’m curious how a woman sees the “respect is corroded”. What changed after the wedding vows? Is it men wanting to be in control that drives women to be the one filing in 80% of the cases?
Women are indoctrinated that they are the victims in all aspects of life and that MEN are the reason. The facts is that they manipulate the system, invoke the word “violence” any time it fits their agenda and finally end up alone, angry and later realize that they were lied to by Feminism.
I actually feel terrible what these last 2 waves of feminism has done to our females. Even lesbian marriages can show you their nature, they are more prone to violence and divorce than their heterosexual counterparts.
Men should NOT get married unless there is a prenup and only if they are looking to have children. Otherwise marriage is a bad contract for men.
Well Doug, it’s no secret why you’ve been divorced three times. Maybe look at yourself too? Sounds like you quite possibly have something about you women want no part of. I have been married to the same man for the past 22 years, and recently realized he has been abusing heroin for some time, and refuses to change. So, guess what, my kids and I are 110% better off without him. And get this, I don’t want his $, house, or car!? You heard it right, we’re not all shallow, heartless gold-diggers. Some of us are just hurt and afraid. Thanks for lumping us all into your gold-digger, child-thieving pie.
I agree with Doug. While things are slightly more favorable than they have been in the past, the woman is still going to “win” in court. Unless there is solid evidence against her, she’ll get the kids, the dad will pay more than “his fair share” in child support, the mom will get the income tax advantages. Quite often the husband will be the one to have to move out, and his place will just be for “visits”; the dad will see the kids less than the mom. The system is rigged. I’m not getting married again without a prenup.
This 6 reasons is hilariously one-sided and wrong… with no evidence of anything and pushing your own agenda and idea of things is ridiculous. How Google brought this up as the very first thing on my search only shows me how you can’t trust mainstream media and things they push along with social media Etc. This is pathetic but what else would I expect from Google. Sorry I even came here.
Wow, this article is extremely feminist lol. I find it funny how women expect men to hold their traditional roles in a relationship, like going out into the world and gathering resources to bring home, meanwhile women never take into account that men also want them to be traditional.
A womans role in a relationship is not lesser than a mans role. It is EXTREMELY important that a woman knows how to cook, clean, take care of kids and just overall maintain the household while their man is out there doing his role. These feminists oppress themselves by thinking that their role is worth less than a mans role.
A high value man who earns a great living and has the potential to give his woman everything she wants, allowing her to stay home and live a good lifestyle DESERVES a traditional woman that can accomplish all of HIS needs. A traditional woman who can accomplish these needs DESERVES a high value man that accomplishes HER needs.
Also, the court system heavily favors the women, so youre very wrong on that part, and the statistics show it. Maybe research the truth instead of using your emotional opinions that make you feel good?
Manny G I really love what you’ve said here.
I am a heterosexual 32 year old woman, married mother of 3. I consider myself a true feminist in that I think a females biological traits/desires/values are equally as meaningful as a mans biological traits/desires/values. I am crushed by what STEPHEN and Doug said. I married my husband in a courthouse, no ceremony no reception because I married for our love and commitment. I think if a woman is adamant on some massive lavish wedding costing thousands upon thousands of dollars, meh, that may be a bad sign ha ha.
I think men and women need to do better at valuing the other person. Be grateful for what the other individual offers us. Because being a family, being a parent, being a partner is work! Being mindful of your partners/children’s needs and perspective rather then only our own is completely necessary and invaluable if there is any interest in seeing the marriage last.
This current “hate for men” is just……. horrid! It breaks my god damn heart. Our men do so very much for us, for this world. They work dangerous undesirable jobs, mostly men die at younger age, often sacrificing emotional and spiritual health because they just don’t have time to make those things a priority! American woman a lot of us, have lost your damn minds.
WTF is wrong with all you women generalizing HALF the globe (men) as shit or bad or wrong!!! Like hi hello reality check isn’t that what we want to be fighting against? Because it was done to us and still is in many parts of the world. And WHY WHY do so many females wish to be the “man”? In my opinion if your so proud to be a woman, then why in the f**k are you so against naturally feminine behaviors and inclination? You might as well start a damn club with Doug and STEPHAN over here….. You can only have pride in yourself if you embody masculine traits? I totally believe woman should be allowed to work, to support themselves have fair and equally pay/say/and rights but we shouldn’t have to behave like men to be allowed those things. We should be entitled to those because what we offer as WOMAN is just as valuable as what men offer.
The whole world can learn so much from your authentic and experienced perspective! You deserve as much happiness as you gave men, we will protect you at all costs you beautiful soul.
“Allowing her to stay home.” Where do you get the idea that women want to stay locked up in a house all day? That’s absurd. Women don’t oppress themselves, men have done that for millennia by belittling women in every way, including the role they’ve always played. You demonstrated that by talking about allowing us staying at home. Some people do not find that a fulfilling human existence when there’s a big world out there. Where’s the choice?
Now that we are expressing that we want more out of life than to be caged up, and that we think men deserve to play an active role in the household as well, men are angry about that and trying to stop it. Why? This benefits y’all as well. Instead of being on the outside of home and family, you get to participate. The world won’t catch up to that idea and instead thinks that women should just stay home and not earn money, while men work themselves to death for 8+ hours a day. We should change things so that each person works about 6 hour days and spends time with family. Everyone gets the best of all worlds. If men think home life is so important, why is this not acceptable?
Cassidy Jackson: It’s isn’t biological to be brainwashed by society from birth to believe in gender roles and traits. I’m very happy that you have found fulfillment in that lifestyle, but many women don’t. “True feminism” means having a choice in your life. Not every woman is cut out for those roles, which is a fact whether society likes it or not.
And I have no idea what you mean by “so many females” wishing to be men. Not having traditionally feminine traits doesn’t mean they are trying to be men, it just means you think they don’t fit a stereotype you want to pigeonhole them into. It isn’t unfeminine to not act the way society expects women to act, because these women are just being who they are, and that’s a woman. Period. We have to stop thinking of “feminine” as a group of traits that a person embodies.
And there are relatively few people participating in trans culture at the moment if that’s what you mean. You shouldn’t even be putting that in the same category as what we’re talking about. The ones that do are doing so because they feel belittled by society as a woman, and are more empowered by calling themselves a man. Maybe think about why they feel this way instead of focusing on what they are doing about it.
I also don’t hate men at all, and I don’t believe most women do. If you think they do, I think you might be spending too much time online.
This guy I less than honest (a dark craft ALL attorneys develop). At present 85 % of households are 2 income (both parents work). Women file / initiate 80-85% of all divorces. For this turkey to suggest that men are “mistaken” in their belief that Family “law” is corrupt is the absolute epitome of prevarication. Women are awarded SOLE custody 80% of the time. Until these changes are made (parental rights are constitutionally protected, criminal matters are adjudicated in CRIMINAL COURT, perjury / making knowingly false allegations are punished (severely), FAULT divorce becomes at least an option, alimony is reserved for the 15% of marriages that are traditional) do NOT get married
Or don’t rush into marriage. thats a solution
Sometimes a women cant shaft a guy. He has been hard working, adores her but he has been blind sided that she is a baby maker and family marries her off This is every dream of a family in the good old days .Now you have your momma boys who are reliant on women who have no fathers in there life. Yes ladies you have advocated for your sons. When you raise 4 daughters as your sons as a father without a mother (please dont take this wrong) you have made strong daughters capable of everything in success.
Your list of why women are more likely to seek divorce is good! Here is another one to add to your list: Men do not seek divorce as often as women because most men can live a bachelor’s lifestyle while still married. For example, he can easily get a girlfriend or mistress while still married to his wife. Why divorce? Also, married men can refuse responsibility for and refuse to do things they do not like such as making home repairs, lawn work, taking care of children, house cleaning, taking care of bills, etc. “Women’s work is 24 hours a day while the man has work that ends a specific time each day. Unfortunately, most men cannot afford a stay at home wife so she continues the the household work AND work outside the home. In about 30% of homes, the wife is the main breadwinner! Outside of his job, if a man does not want to do something he does not do it in spite of his wife’s wishes. This causes her to resent her husband. Lastly the husband considers himself ” a prize” and feels the wife should be grateful he married her because women are valued only thru their relationships and attachment to a man. Men are least likely to consider a wife a”prize” and he does not show appreciation or respect. Women do not want to be divorced. They just cannot take the lack of respect, empathy, companionship, caring, appreciation or giving any longer. It is even worse for wives if the husband is a drug, alcohol, gambling, pornography addict or spendthrift or immature.
Lol….number 4 is NOT a misconception. The courts see fathers as paychecks and supermarket donors.
“Women, on the other hand, look at their partner’s potential” … “ Women become frustrated with men who resist change”
Actually, it’s a combination of game theory and an aggressive family law system. No fault divorce makes it very easy to get a divorce now than it was half a century ago. Additionally, the economics of divorce overwhelmingly favor women b/c they’re the primary care giver for the children in a legal system that puts the best interests of the child(s) over almost all other factors. When the economics are that lop-sided, game theory becomes the driving force for both women and family law attorneys. If a woman improves her socio-economic status by getting married and still has a better socio-economic status with a divorce compared to her life pre-marriage, then there’s no incentive for her not to get a divorce. Since divorces have a high degree of adversarialism embedded in the process, it’s also lucrative ground for family law attorneys. The justifications are nothing more than rationalizations for the self-interest motivations of those that initiate divorce and the attorneys who represent them…
Very true. Most women (not all) are taught and it is normalized to prioritize education, career, and social status over family. In a resource rich environment, females of many species will often become more promiscuous and sleep with males of good genetics. It pretty much sums up the dating atmosphere in the western world. Why would a woman stay with one man when she can divorce him, keep her kids, take his resources, then sleep with whoever she wants? There are some good women still around for sure that want a meaningful relationship, but most of them are dating for self interest and don’t care about the man they’re dating at all.
This is why doing a proper prenuptial agreement is extremely important. When women know there will be an extreme quality of life change from their decision to divorce, it makes the decision that much more difficult for them and they wont treat it like it is nothing, which the no fault divorce laws promote today.
Society gives zero craps about men and view men as the root of all problems, so men really need to look out for themselves and be careful.
this is so misleading. The number one reason for divorce is money. If a man loses his job or has a business failure or financial failure women are out. Women don’t care about the emotional health of the marriage they care about their emotional happiness only. They couldn’t care less about how men feel.
modern Western women suck, that’s the reason.
Since most women nowadays that are cheating on their husbands and sleeping around with different men all the time, would be very good reasons why they’re the ones that cause most divorces today. Been there.
Women have an incentive to get a divorce. They will more than likely benefit from the divorce by getting kids and money ie support from their man. Men have a lot to lose in marriage.
Here’s why divorce is sought after by women more than men- they expect men to turn into whatever they need them to turn into and when men don’t they cry that men are the problem when the problem really is that women are becoming more and more emotionally equivalent to teenagers.
I disagree with most of the comments and article. I find that women are more apt to change and find their lives more fulfilled when being pursued. Women have not been taught honor and loyalty as most men have. This is true through time. We see Eve, the beautiful nude women with tasty fruit, but the slithering snake behind her. The parable is written as a warning to men. Don’t be fooled by our innate desire to see women as beautiful, caring, nurturing, and kind characters. Many women use children as tools for their benefit. Women were “oppressed” for so long not to oppress women, but to save the nuclear family—The nuclear family is the most stable social unit when all parties act towards the unions best interest. Men tend to Man up and do the honorable thing if unhappy in a marriage while women quit and bail out looking for a better life with someone else no matter the effect it has on children. From a evolutionary view point, women spent more time at camp socializing completing domestic task. Men had to hunt, a more dangerous occupation. Women with children who lost their mate had to be emotionally open for other men in order to ensure the best chance of her children’s survival. Move forward to modern times—-women have a innate ability to disconnect from a commitment — from their vows at a much easier rate then men. Men typically die before women. Again, for survival, women needed to be emotionally and physically available for another man. Unfortunately the benefits of this adaptation for women is now the reason marriages fail and why marriage proposals are at its lowest since the Civil War, when there was no men to marry!!!
Someone mentioned women just want to be mothers. It is true, once children enter into the marriage, the Husband no longer is adorable or even relevant except for providing resources for the women to spend at their discretion. Child support can be spent on anything—-Ex Husband has no recourse to argue the money he spends for child support actually goes to pay for hair, nails, and new dresses for other men to enjoy, Their are many cliches about women changing their mind. 1# top hit, Shania Twain, “any man of mine” even when I am ugly….and i can be late for a date that’s fine…and if I change my mind, a million times, I want him to say yea, yea, yea i like it that way. And anything I do or say better be ok, even when I am having a bad hair day…..People find lyrics funny, but they gravitate like good comedy to funny truths. Truth here, women are flowers and want to always be adored even when they are not adorable. Its vanity. As girls get older, they realize the intrinsic value of their body. The highest bidder gets the pie, even if the pie ends a marriage with kids. Most women dont leave another man to step down. Agree?
Men are always told never hit a women. Never hit a women. Even if they hit you. Equality huh? Again…”anything I do or say better be ok”. In a marriage, men are reduced to a mindless servant for the benefit of their wives. Most men typically agree as to avoid the wrath and vindictive nature of women. Why do women remember things from 20 years ago and can bring it up, but if men do the same, all hell breaks loose? There is no equality in marriage. Marriage is a institution that forces–typically the male —to be responsible for the Women’s choices. Its a legal contract enforced by force of the State. Its not about love, its not about any romantic idea of love or marriage….its about ensuring you will continue to care for this women even after 80% of the time she has left you. Its a ball and chain. Men are wising up and not getting married. Men get tired of always pursuing.
I hope women get their role outside the home. I hope one day men dress up so women can buy them dinner and drinks. Open the door for us, make sure we are safe and secure and will protect us from any evil or break ins. I really hope women get what is coming to them. At the moment it appears they get the cake and eat it too. Funny, if a cute guy makes a move on a girl its hot, but if the guy is ugly, its sexual harassment. I really hope the playing field evens out. Honestly, it is no wonder there a more gay guys coming out. Not sure if they are all born that way, as it seems many men are going gay after their marriage. Just maybe, women are turning men gay cause guys are much cooler to spend time with–less drama–more connected to logic instead of emotions. I write in generalities, but the spectrum of women exist out there, and the bell curve has the divorcing 80% of the time. With skews like that, society needs to revisit the inequalities between men and women.
The illustration could be better. Instead of a physically weak woman struggling to hold the gavel, it should be a closeup of the hand of a woman, complete with an impressive-looking non-wedding ring on her hand and the cuff of a blazer in view, firmly holding the gavel. I do not like this visual depiction of women as weak and uncertain, even when THEY are the ones making the decision.
Just how diluted and dishonest this article is…
First off, women get sole custody most of the time. With custody comes child support. From the age of 0 to 18, often times the father will have paid $200,000.
That is just child support, more than 2/3 of households, the husband makes more money. What does that mean? Well if the woman is working, the man has to pay alimony which makes that $200,000 number even higher. IF SHE DOESN’T WORK, he has to pay for her lawyer fees. This means her lawyer will try to make the divorce proceedings AS LONG AND EXPENSIVE AS POSSIBLE so the lawyer makes more money.
One common strategy divorce lawyers will use is to get the wife to accuse the husband of abusing the children. Even just the accusation increases the wife’s odds of winning custody and destroys the husbands reputation.
And this person says divorce courts are not unfair? What a joke.
This is all crap, women file for divorce because when they have the courts on their side. They are also suffer from mid life crisis more than men. After the divorce they run around the single circuit and act like the whores they are. After their body count reaches past 8-10 guys they are done. They will no longer be able to pair match with anyone. It’s just a sad quick walk to the cat store after that, because the men who reach them in their late 40’s and 50’s will never marry them, as they have already lost half their shit and they will not go through a court system again.
Having seen numerous divorces initiated by aunts and other women close to me because the man wasn’t “successful enough” I’ve grown extremely cynical towards the idea of marriage. Too many women view marriage as a ticket to comfort and are quick to leave because the man is no longer the checkbook they viewed him as or they met a “better man” and see no moral issue with “trading up”. Our culture has no respect for marriage, women are quick to steer their friends towards divorce as a method of “empowerment”. Sit in any brunch spot long enough and you’ll overhear conversations along this line.
Asides from having a stable (possibly) setting to raise kids I see no point in getting hitched. If you want sex hire a prostitute, if you want love get a dog; if you want a high likelihood of living with a bitter partner who will withhold intimacy and leave you as soon as the going gets rough, get married.
You hit it perfectly… lack of empathy, lack of good communication and you got nothing.
Women file 80% divorces. Single again they complain that men are emotionally unavailable. OOPS!
More and more women are becoming more and more selfish. They file for divorce MAINLY because they canmot control their husband.
Whether you like it or not, the plain truth is End Days Prophecy is taking place.
Feminist Movement
Women’s Equal Rights
It destroys society beginning inside the home. It turns men into sissy cowards. The kids see this and it teaches them. And the cycle begins!
Except for real men….they cannot be controlled and the evil pig divorces him.
An assigned chapter in one of my college textbooks said, “Studies show that men fall in love more quickly than women, and when a relationship ends, men take longer to get over it.” I recalled that chapter when I read a NEW YORKER magazine article a few years ago about a guy who actually arranges divorce “ceremonies.” (The opening of the movie IF YOU ARE THE ONE 2 has just such a ceremony, handled comedically.) After this guy witnessed the ex-wives and ex-husbands (with friends and families in attendance) at the multiple divorce ceremonies he organized, he said, “At divorce ceremony after divorce ceremony, the ex-husbands always weep and weep, but the ex-wives never do.”
This is exactly why men should not get married any longer. Today’s women have a completely unrealistic vision of marriage now, and the government and courts have made sure that divorce results in a big payout for women. When you have women divorcing men at a rate 4 to 1 over men divorcing women, something is seriously wrong with the marriage equation.
Very nice post!
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On the comment of finances, it seems that women, especially those married to wealthier men are incentivized by the legal system where they get financial support(alimony) to fill in the gap between the standard of living they had when they were married and that of being divorced. This unfair practice incentivizes women to marry rich men, and discourages rich men to marry poorer women, thus challenges the attractiveness and values in the institution of marriage. Alimony could make sense if the woman is incapable of providing for herself by working and thus would live below the poverty level. Rarely that is the case.
The author is dishonest about outcomes in divorces where women get it all: kids, house, half of husband’s wealthy and even business. If you think the US system works fairly with men and women, wake up to reality and acknowledge the huge bias and oppression towards men. Giving women an edge by default in courts reflects on the upbringing of the children. Boys when they grow up will shy away from women knowing the threat they could impose on then if married and again families will remain a rarity in the future. A sleepy US legal system needs an overhaul.
I’ve worked as a paralegal for almost 50 years. Men are treated unfairly in divorces.. The lawyers are often women, the commissioners (masters) are often women, the judges are often women. With a majority of the decision makers/ lawyers/ arbitrators/ being women, the court if very biased against men. Men are poorly represented in the family courts, and get shafted as a result. Just ask any man whose gone through one recently. Yes, times have changed, and men are hoping the woman he married is ‘like mom’. Fat chance. Women are being raised by “me first”, sour grapes women. There is no reason or sanity in getting married. It’s not to a man’s benefit at all. He’s better off just hiring a surrogate to have his children, and a nanny to raise them.
Women file for divorce more because they are tired of cooking and cleaning for entitled man babies who don’t want to do their share of the housework. They also lie, cheat and have unrealistic standards for women. Men benefit from marriage because they have a living in sex slave and maid and when the women gets wise to the imbalance they file for divorce. Women don’t want to be just housewives anymore and today we need two salaries to survive. Men expect women to be their everything and make them happy and its not our job to make some lazy guy happy. Mutual respect and loyalty is what is needed among other things.