Valentine’s Day can be a hard time for single moms, especially if you are newly single. But Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be reserved for sweethearts and hot dates, and it doesn’t have to be monopolized by your kids’ holiday activities (although this can be fun, too!).
If you find yourself without a romantic partner on Valentine’s Day, don’t sit at home watching re-runs of Sex Sent Me To The E.R while downing junk food. Do something different, and celebrate YOU.
7 Single Mom Valentine’s Day Ideas:
Plan Ahead
1. Call your single mom friends and plan the night in advance. Stay away from those fixed price Valentine’s Day dinners or places with mood lighting. Instead go to a movie, a museum, mini-golf – whatever fun activity rocks your boat.
Throw a Party!
2. Feeling especially outgoing? Host your own Valentine’s Day party where you make the rules! Invite whomever you like, with kids or without. Watch horror movies, have a potluck, make a dessert only night, the ideas are limitless.
Indulge in Some Me Time
3. What better way to celebrate YOU than a bit of pampering? If you don’t want to be with others, schedule a mani/pedi, get a haircut, a deep tissue massage or, go for broke with a full-on facial and make-up application. And, for later that night, treat yourself to a box of chocolates.
Reach Out to Other Singles
4. Surround yourself with other singles instead of couples. Search the internet for local singles groups, events, or social gatherings taking place on Valentine’s Day. In fact, there are anti-Valentine’s Day events springing up all over the place. Attending one of these could turn Valentine’s Day into your favorite holiday!
Send Some Money!
5. Yes, it is cliché, but nothing gets rid of the blues like a little retail therapy. In small, financially manageable doses retail therapy soothes the soul. Whether you make a purchase or, just do a bit of looking and wishing, shopping can be a mental refresher. It’s like a blip of a vacation, without any packing or planning. And they have those delicious huge cookies at the food court!
Spread the Love
6. Have a friend who is newly divorced? A widowed mom you would like to shower with love? Share your heart with others! There is always someone less fortunate than you, find them, get them out of the house and teach them, by example, the importance of spreading love on Valentine’s Day and every day.
Share the Day With a Furry Friend
7. Did you know that one in five people would prefer to spend Valentine’s Day with their pet over a partner? Why are we not surprised! If you do not have a furry friend to share your life with, Valentine’s Day may be the perfect time to add a new member to your household. They will shower you with love on Valentine’s Day and beyond.
Love is shared in many ways, this Valentine’s Day do away with the stereotypical thinking that it is a day for couples and spend time pampering and taking care of YOU. Celebrate life and all it has to offer.
This post originally appeared on DivorcedMoms.com.
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