Hindsight is always 20/20. Looking over our shoulder at the past, divorced parents can see so much more clearly what we might have done differently — one small nuance that would have changed everything. If only we could have the clarity of perfect vision while going through divorce; the difference this could make in custody matters.
Understandably, as a parent in the midst of custody issues, there are strong feelings of grief and heartache. Oftentimes emotions take over. Unkind comments are exchanged. Feelings are hurt. Lapses in judgement happen, and the child is caught in the middle.
Many parents in the divorce process have experienced moments of humiliation and remorse. We learn from others’ experiences and situations. Perhaps in reading these scenarios, co-parents can identify with similar issues and see how actions can have long-term negative effects or cause pain. Or co-parents can see that they are not alone in their thoughts and experiences. Break your silence.
The confessions below, collected from SharedParentingConfessional.com, reveal the innermost thoughts of parents like you about their divorce and custody issues. Learn from the upsets and gain insight from 10 divorced parents who now have the wisdom of clear-sighted vision.
Here Are Heartbreaking Confessions From Divorced Parents
Here are the heartbreaking regrets from 10 divorced parents. Confessions share concern and determination to keep their family together, even resorting to lies. The fierce love of one father comes through loud and clear in his confession revealing going to great lengths to maintain his family:
Several confessions reveal regrets. In some cases, cruel things are done or said with the intent to cause harm and hurt their co-parent. When this happens, the consequences of their behaviors may not be realized until years later. The damage that is done is not realized until after the children have lived their childhood without one parent. After, one parent has lived without having a relationship with their child:
Some confessions express utter grief and heartache at what has happened to their family. The loss of birthdays, holidays, and vacations reveal the immense emotional pain of too many parents. Parents are devastated by the changes that occurred in their family:
NOTE: If you are considering suicide as a solution to your divorce or family court matter, PLEASE stop and seek help. There are many groups that offer emotional support.
USA: National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255.
USA: 2-1-1: Offers free and low-cost services and resources.
Fortunately, a few confessions are positive. This post reveals a transformation process that improves everything for everyone.
These are the experiences of 10 parents. Now that you have the benefit and clarity of perfect vision, what would you do?
To see more experiences and to read all confessions, go to SharedParentingConfessional.com.
The invitation to participate is extended to:
- Parents who are divorced or in the process of divorce
- Parents and co-parents (never married) who have children
- Parents who have or do not have a parenting plan in place
- New section for grandparents who would like to share
This is an opportunity to share the innermost feelings about your divorce or co-parenting experiences. This can be something that you have told to family and friends or a private thought that has remained a secret…until now.
Would you like to share your feelings of betrayal or heartache experienced in divorce or custody matters? Do you regret something you have done in your divorce or custody situation?
Share your confession at [email protected].
All submissions are anonymous!
Shared Parenting Confessional is an anonymous site. This is a place for co-parents to confess their feelings of betrayal, fear, heartache, or humiliation experienced in divorce or a co-parenting situation.
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