Divorce is a complicated process, especially if there are children involved. A divorce can bring to the surface a lot of ugliness and negative feelings, leading people to engage in behaviors that they might regret or that can have negative consequences down the line. For many people, a divorce leads to an expression of a lot of negative emotions towards their partner, which can lead them to make poor decisions.
In cases where there are children, this becomes a problem because the children might end up in the line of fire. So, what can be recommended to reduce the impact of divorce? Therapy can be a good solution to manage negative emotions during divorce and to find support during a difficult time.
Therapy can also be a way to manage negative emotions to avoid making rash decisions or doing things that hurt the individual in the long term.
Therapy can also reduce the sense of loss and distress associated with the divorce to help improve the person’s well-being.
The divorce process is a very distressing time, so it can be difficult to handle. On a stress scale, a divorce is a significantly stressful event that requires the person to also take some action, make decisions, and interact with the partner in different ways, which can contribute to the distress. So, therapy can be a way of reducing and managing that distress.
Therapy can also be very significant for children who are experiencing the divorce of their parents and negative emotions.
For many children, the divorce of their parents can become a traumatic event or something that they blame themselves for. Additionally, the parents might struggle with their own negative emotions during divorce and have a difficulty giving the child enough reassurance and attention to handle the divorce in the best way. For example, when the parents are going through the process, especially if it involves conflict and disagreement that is sometimes unavoidable, the child might experience a lot of distress and have a difficult time handling the emotions associated with the process. A therapist can help the child cope with the process more effectively and also avoid feeling responsible for what is going on with their parents.
Some divorces are handled amicably, with a minimum of conflict and a good agreement on behalf of both parents or partners on how to manage the situation and divide the assets. However, cases where a divorce might become a drawn-out legal battle or when it involves a lot of fights and arguments can be traumatic for everyone involved, especially the children, and the parents in those cases are frequently in a very emotional state themselves, so a therapist can serve as an ally to promote well-being among the family members and work to support them individually.
Just like good lawyers are important to support a divorce process from a legal standpoint, a good therapist or counselor can make the process easier, regardless of whether they are working with one of the partners or the child. Finding good emotional support can change the way the divorce process goes, reduce the negative emotions and aftermath, and help the person channel their own emotions and make better decisions during the process. For children, a therapist can help provide emotional support and work with the trauma and guilt associated with the divorce of the parents.
Overall, therapy is not something that people going through a divorce consider, however, bringing in this type of support can be very beneficial for everyone involved. It is something to consider for people who struggle with the distress of the divorce process or worry for their children’s well-being. Being a proactive parent is the best form of prevention and showing you care.
Dr. Simon Casey’s mission is to improve the well-being of every client, enabling them to have a loving relationship, safe home, good health, close friends, and meaningful work. www.drsimoncasey.com
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