Divorce might mean an end of a relationship, but the responsibilities toward children do not end when parents part ways. After a divorce, it is the duty and responsibility of the parent to work out an effective mechanism to help their kid deal with the situation. A child goes through a lot of emotional trauma during and after divorce. It is no wonder that many couples make it a point to talk with their children about the reason behind their decision and what they can expect post-divorce.
There are plenty of issues that a couple needs to look after to ensure that their child is able to cope with the situation. The parents need to find out who will take care of various aspects of the kid’s life, be it education, sporting activities, medical expenses, or weekend outings. Proper planning has to be done to care for the needs of children. Besides the emotional trauma a child undergoes through the divorce process, it is necessary that the children are protected in case of any medical emergency, so when later on, if due to incompatibility between the divorced couple, the court ruling can decide who is supposed to pay the medical bills.
How to Be a Good Parent After Divorce
Good parenting is all about keeping the child’s interest above the dispute between the parents. The basic needs of a kid remain the same after a divorce. It is the emotional trauma of seeing their parents part ways that wreck havoc in their mind. Parents need to find ways to be there for their kid whenever necessary.
Children are exposed to plenty of health hazards that can affect their health, be it an injury due to an accident or an unfortunate case of a surgical error event. It is necessary that parents ensure the safety of their kid even after their divorce. Now the question arises, who is supposed to pay the bill?
Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody
Physical custody implies that a child in under the physical supervision of a parent. However, it does not necessarily mean that a kid is under the legal custody of the respective parent. It is the legal custody that gives an authority to a divorced parent to make all the decisions pertaining to medical, education, or any other important aspect. A parent with authorized legal custody can decide if medical decision-making rights are to be given to a third party or not.
In certain cases where there is no dispute between the parents, joint legal custody is preferred over sole legal custody. To define the custody matters while visiting a medical facility, it is necessary that the respective parent carries a copy of the court order to avoid any sort of dispute over the custody rights.
Joint Custody
In case the court has authorized the joint custody of the child, the parents can go ahead and decide on the medical treatment. During the divorce proceedings, the court makes it a point to assign various responsibilities in case of any medical decision that has to be taken in time of need. In such cases, it is always beneficial to let the child’s surgeon know about the legal rights pertaining to joint custody of a child. In a case of any unfortunate emergency, no time would be wasted to decide if the parent present at the moment has authority to take medical decisions on behalf of the child.
For joint legal custody, it is essential to reach an agreement without any delay. In case if there arises a dispute wherein one parent is in favor of the medical treatment and the other does not agree to it, the doctor should have the final say. Depending on the severity of the medical condition at hand, an appropriate decision can be taken which parents should agree to without any fuss.
Sole Custody
If one parent has been awarded custody of the child post-divorce, only that parent has the legal right to give consent regarding medical decisions. The other parent has no legal standing to interfere with the medical treatment planned for the kid. The noncustodial parent can receive the medical records only if consent is given from the custodial parent.
All in all, it all depends on the terms a couple agrees to when parting ways. Separation from a child can be devastating for any parent. It is essential that the couple finds a solution to the demands of their child so as to create minimal emotional trauma for the child. It is necessary that a parent ensures the well-being of their children after divorce. Taking care of the medical aspect is one such prerogative which ensures the safety and well-being of a child.
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