The following resources are incredibly useful tools that one can use to educate themselves about parental alienation. The more you know about parental alienation, the better off you will be. I have no economic interest in any of these resources, they are simply my recommendations.
How to Learn More About Parental Alienation: The Top 10 Resources
- The first thing to realize is that you are not alone. To get in contact with 10,000 other alienated parents, and to hear their tragic stories, join the World Wide Parental Alienation Support Group on Facebook at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/PAWWSG.
- Read this informative book to get the full and complete explanation of the deep psychology that underlies parental alienation, and to learn why alienated children are a special type of child that must be protected from abuse, by Dr. C. A. Childress: An Attachment-Based Model of Parental Alienation: Foundations (Oaksong Press, 2015). This is an in-depth book about psychology, but that is because parental alienation is actually a highly complex psychological topic. Dr. Childress completely nails it. He has removed all of the controversy from the field by relying only on standard, widely accepted psychological principles. The mystery is explained. Hand this book to anyone who says “parental alienation is junk science” or “a child would know if someone was trying to manipulate them,” and it will change their mind.
- If you only have 47 seconds available, view this video entitled Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting: https://youtu.be/thYJN9-vgWw.
- If you can spare 7 minutes for the best parental alienation video out there, view this video entitled Parental Alienation Emotional Child Abuse Documentary. It was put together by people with talent for communicating and it is emotional: https://youtu.be/Ey7ud-ziPmM.
- Learn from this guy. Ryan Thomas is a highly articulate 30 some year old who was alienated until he was 25. He tells how it happened and suggests ways to reconnect with alienated children. Some of his videos are free and some cost money. An index of free videos can be found at the following site: https://sites.google.com/site/centralohiopa/ryan-thomas-videos-that-are-free.
- Learn from former teens. Formerly alienated teens who figured out that they were misled are now speaking about it, and they are some of the most effective spokespersons for parental alienation: http://parentalalienationvideos.weebly.com/teens-speak-out.html.
- Learn from these spokespersons. Formerly alienated adults who realized as an adult that they were misled are now speaking out, and they are also highly effective spokespersons: http://parentalalienationvideos.weebly.com/adult-children-of-pa.html.
- Read this book which has interviews. Amy Baker’s book, Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking The Ties That Bind (WW Norton, 2007) is a classic, and was groundbreaking when it was first published. She interviewed 40 people who said they had been fooled as kids to reject one parent, and each explained how the alienating parent did it. Amy combined the responses and found that there are about 20 basic strategies for parental alienation, which she lists and discusses. The two most common strategies are denigration of one parent, and reducing the amount of time a child can spend with one parent. She also compiled a list of ways that these 40 people “figured it out” (e.g. catalysts for seeing the truth, etc.), and a list of challenges that adult children of alienation face.
- If you are in court, read The High-Conflict Custody Battle: Protect Yourself and Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce, False Accusations, and Parental Alienation (New Harbinger Publications, 2014) by Amy J. L. Baker, J. Michael Bone, and Brian Ludmer. It is available for purchase on Amazon.
- Read this book to learn what to do, titled Co-parenting with a Toxic Ex: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Turn the Kids Against You (New Harbinger Publications, 2014) by Amy J. L. Baker and Paul R. Fine, is another great, must-read book that is available for purchase on Amazon.
Seth and Aiden, I hope one day you stumble upon this and read it, and realize that what you are going through is not your fault. You were always both good kids, and you are both growing into strong and intelligent young men with good hearts,and I am very proud of you. Your sister Haley misses you both very much, and she hopes very much that she can be reunited with you one day.
As for me, I am broken. I can’t fight anymore. Every day my heart and mind is consumed by my grief and longing for our relationship to be restored, but after five years, I can’t go on like this. I have to put it away and focus on other things. Should you ever decide to look me up, I will be in Orlando, like always, and not hard to find. My door and my heart will always be open to both of you. Please believe that I don’t blame you for any of this, and I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through.
Remember to be kind and forgiving to each other. The turmoil and strife between you two is not because of who you are, but because you have been played against each other. Don’t let the fact that you were treated differently drive a wedge between you. You are brothers, no matter what. I love you both, yesterday, today, and always.
Walter Singleton, Dad