The world has turned upside down. Things you once thought you would always be able to count on have seemingly been ripped away. Life is scary, and you don’t quite know what to do next.
We’re not just talking about our new COVID-19 reality – we’re also talking about life during and after a divorce. We are all struggling to come to terms with the innumerable ways that the coronavirus has upended our lives. If you’re going through a divorce, this is probably not a feeling that’s new to you.
You probably felt as though your life had gone upside down long before the pandemic struck, but neither the divorce nor the virus has the right or the power to deprive you of the future you deserve. In fact, as blatantly absurd as it may seem, these apparently unconquerable obstacles may be incredible opportunities. This may be the time to discover your purpose, to reignite your passion, and to seize the chance to make a real difference now when our world needs your gifts the most.
This article describes ways you can find the motivation to not only rebuild your life but also your career after divorce during COVID-19. I’ll also show you how to use this important moment, both in your personal life and in the life of our country, to turn your career into a true calling.
4 Ways to Rebuild Your Life and Career After a Divorce During COVID-19
1. Find Your Fire
There’s no question about it: divorce is one of life’s great traumas. You’re disappointed, stressed, and may feel shell-shocked. In addition, your confidence is probably pretty shaken.
It’s precisely when you feel least able to move forward that it’s almost necessary for you to do so! Settling for the status quo isn’t going to help you start building your new, post-divorce life. It’s certainly not going to help you find yourself again.
2. Take Your Career to the Next Level
In the face of the anxiety and stress caused by divorce during COVID-19, it can feel difficult if not impossible to maintain your focus and motivation at work – especially if you’re now working from home, or you were laid off indefinitely. It can feel even more unimaginable to think about launching a new career or progressing in your current one.
Taking the time, now, to embark on your dream career or to push forward to a whole new level in your existing work might be just what you need to help you find your passion and your self-confidence again. As you rediscover your creativity and reconnect with your own self-worth, you might find yourself building a future that is better than you could have ever imagined!
3. Highlight Your Unique Skills and Talents
When you’re launching your search for your new dream job, there are some important things you should keep in mind.
First of all, you need to give your resume a good going over. Your resume is no time to be shy or modest. Polish and amp up that resume until it casts a neon spotlight on your particular skills and talent. Your resume should let recruiters know immediately what is special about you and what unique abilities you can bring to the industry and to your target job in particular. What can you bring that no one else can bring?
4. Be Cautious When Applying for Jobs Online
It’s also important to be cautious when looking and applying for jobs online. Pay close attention to site security and privacy. Be careful with anything you “sign,” even electronically, and make sure you never pay to apply for or take a job. There are a lot of scammers out there, especially as millions of jobless Americans turn to online job searches. You don’t want your new career derailed before it even leaves the station!
You Can Rebuild Your Life and Career After a Divorce During COVID-19
Divorce is never easy, but it’s perhaps never been harder than now as we all learn to adjust to this scary, new reality. This strange and difficult moment in the world’s history and within your own life is also a rare and beautiful opportunity to build a new life.
As an example, if you have ever worked in the healthcare field or have only dreamt of a career in healthcare, there is no better time than now to start making that dream a reality. The current wave of COVID-19 pandemic will end, but our world won’t ever be the same.
As we begin to rebuild our lives in the wake of coronavirus, we bring with us a new recognition of the vital importance of public health. We have a new awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of our national and global health systems. We’re going to need healthcare providers as well as healthcare administrators and executive leaders who have both the passion and the expertise to put lessons learned into practice.
These leaders in the healthcare industry, including hospital administrators and executives, will be in greater demand than ever before. The training is extensive, with the vast majority of hospital CEOs holding at least a Master’s degree, but with great effort comes great reward. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that our healthcare leaders are the true guardians of the human family. Their work is making a real life-or-death difference each and every day across all corners of the globe.
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