I’ve discussed marriages with quite a few women. They pretty much agree that towards the end and sadly some of them throughout the entire length of the marriage things were welll ummm…. lacking in the bedroom. You know how it is when you first met your husband things were spicy and fun but as time went on, real-life happened and you both got stressed and tired.
Honestly, sex was your last priority. Now you are divorced and you don’t necessarily have someone to sleep with every night but Girl you are ready to get the fire burning again…. have no fear there are some fun ways to play and explore. Things you should incorporate into your sex life for the remainder of your days, married or single.
And, here are a few suggestions for sex toys after divorce:
1. Find an awesome vibrator. Ladies, we have to find the vibrator that works for us. They are not one size fits all (thank god). They come in all fun shapes and sizes, waterproof, etc. They are rated by quiet scale (yes!) this is so important if you have children at home. You don’t need kids asking mommy what is that noise?
If you have been living in the married closet a while, I suggest you shop around a bit. Get online (use your private setting if you are embarrassed) go to adameve.com or something similar (I’m not endorsing anyone) and take a good long look before making up your mind. Make sure whatever toys you purchase are made of silicon – they are much more sanitary.
2. Dildo’s can equal fun times ladies. Fun times. You can get life-like, butterfly dildos, crazy with rotating pearls dildos, pretty much you name it you can find it. Again explore!!! Have some fun. Let the naughty girl out and play.
3. Ben Wa Balls. Sometimes called pleasure balls or Joy balls. These are the BOMB! My favorite is Touche the Dukes. Oh, my soul. You cannot go wrong with these girls. There are three balls of varying weights. Two different sleeves or cases that you slide the balls into. One holds one ball, the other sleeve holds two balls. Both sleeves have a tail so you can ummmm…. you know make sure you keep control of them.
The advantage of this particular set of Ben Wa Balls is the ability to switch the balls and change the weights. This allows you to strengthen your vaginal walls while feeling extremely sexy. Ben Wa Balls, when used properly have the same vaginal strengthening affects as Kegels. The other really fun aspect about the Dukes by Touche’ is you can make them vibrate (you will have to get them to find out how).
Toys are wonderful. Ordering online is a great and discreet way to get what you want. Most companies bill and ship very discreetly so you don’t need to worry about that. You can also find home-based party companies. Host a girls night, the party representatives have been trained to be very discreet about taking orders so you don’t need to worry about your girlfriends knowing what you ordered.
4. Lube and cleanser are two additional items I recommend. The use is obvious so I won’t get into detail here. The cleanser is specific for sex toys and prevents damage. So I recommend you include both of these in your purchase. Lube is a maybe, some people need it some do not. Cleanser is a must have.
There are all kinds of toys that can make your individual playtime more fulfilling. The most important part is becoming comfortable with yourself, figuring out exactly what you enjoy, finding your likes and dislikes. This knowledge will make you a much better lover.
I’m a huge self-love promoter. If you love your own body, if you can enjoy alone time then you will certainly know how to teach someone to enjoy your body. A healthy lover is a sexy lover. So ladies…. go get your sexy back.
Explore – explore – explore. Don’t be afraid! Lose all your inhibitions! Find your inner Sex Goddess and let her loose! The single men in your life will thank you
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