Months had gone by since I parted ways with my high-school love, John. Our early days of love and passion had culminated into us getting married after graduation, but things did not work out and we ended up getting divorced. How easily something which meant so much to us did not exist anymore. Our bond was permanently broken and I was left by myself all alone to pick up my broken pieces and go on with life.
At first, I was desensitized and I did not know how I would cope with this feeling of loneliness and isolation, but to live a healthy life it is important that you fight your way out of this sea of emotions. Slowly and gradually, I gathered the morale and spirit to face life and realized that self-care was the first step to regaining that calmness and coping with stress, which this distressful life event brought along with itself.
Consider a makeover
Flaunt the soft and tender lady inside you and revamp your look and wardrobe if need be. This could entail anything from a haircut that suits your face cut, a different way of styling your hair, or applying makeup for a completely rejuvenated look on the outside. For some, this could be a way of camouflaging your feelings, but for others, looking good makes them feel good. Wear a floral dress for instance that highlights your feminine qualities and makes you feel worthwhile. I for one started to care for myself all the more after my breakup because I couldn’t let the emotional turmoil inside me take a toll on me, and this was one of the first things I could think of to make myself feel better.
Value yourself
When you are plagued with loneliness, it is inevitable that you start feeling useless and unworthy of anything good. Nothing seems to please or fascinate you, and life seems to have lost the charm it once had. Don’t worry, these are all normal thoughts after a breakup or divorce, but the real strength lies in valuing yourself through this difficult phase and letting yourself know that you deserve much better.
Everyone is unique in their own way, and your personality can be a change agent or a source of inspiration for anyone out there. Just because it did not work out with a certain individual doesn’t mean you are not worthy of being loved or cared for. Give yourself another chance and let your awesomeness shine through.
Volunteer and give back to society
Nurture compassion within yourself and give away to society, as nothing feels better than giving a piece of your valuable self to someone who needs it. Loneliness comes in many forms, and when you connect with people who are empty from the inside due to the innumerable sufferings in this world, you will realize that you are far better off. A feasible option could be to volunteer for senior care services as the elderly speak with experience, and they may help you realize certain things that may change the way you think and perceive the world. This will help you heal and recover from your emotional trauma and face the world with a renewed level of hope.
Trust me, as I started to practically apply these things in my life, I realized that there is a lot to life than to grieve about things that were not meant to be. You are your own best friend, and until you don’t learn to come to terms with the facts of your life, negative thoughts can very easily be built up and leave you shattered from inside. It is in your hands to keep yourself motivated and full of life. So embrace the good things in life, stay fit and healthy, and try your level best to maintain a pleasing countenance and decent outer appearance to at least help you in this journey of pulling yourself out of loneliness. It is not that hard. Take pride and comfort in who you are and the way you are.
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