For those in an unhappy marriage, the thought of being quarantined with your spouse for a day, let alone months, is unimaginable. In these cases, you may wish there was a requirement for spouses to incorporate social distancing!
There’s also a loss of patience because it seems like your divorce is now being stalled. The process is long enough already, so to imagine that you have to wait longer seems unbearable. I empathize, as I have my own personal case that is now being postponed due to the Coronavirus.
But as we all know, staying at home is the only way to speed up the chances of life getting back to normal. In response to that, I want to give you six things that you can easily do at home to help your divorce, pass the time, and keep you in a positive mindset knowing that you are moving forward to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Here Are 6 Ways a Self-Quarantine During COVID-19 Could Help You in Divorce
- Divorce is filled with a lot of information gathering. Take this time to gather your “financial documents” for your divorce team. Go to www.MyDivorceSolution.com for a free Divorce Checklist of all important financial documents that you will need before coming to any financial agreements.
- Start working on your budget. A lifestyle analysis will give you a focused perspective on your day-to-day expectations.
- If you are unsure of what to expect in the divorce process and would like to gain more knowledge before proceeding further, take this time in isolation and watch an online divorce course.
- Start journaling. Journal about where you are in the process, your wants and your hopes, what you don’t want to happen, and what you think you think your life will look like post-divorce. Create a vision board in your journal or just release your emotions on paper so you can breathe and find more clarity while taking it one day at a time.
- Do a little spring cleaning and start clearing out the clutter in your house. This quarantine is the best time to box up old stuff and make room for your life moving forward.
- If you are stuck home with your spouse, walk away from toxic behavior. Avoid aggressive conversation and do not involve any children in conversations pertaining to your divorce.
Take this time to commit to making the rest of your life the best of your life. While we are all listening to the news in disbelief, stunned by how quickly things can change, I ask you an important question.
When I, too, was doubting if divorce was the right thing for me, a friend asked me something that changed my life. She asked, “if you were stuck on a deserted island where we all had the same clothes and the same amount of money and you had to pick one person to be with, would you pick the man you are married to?”.
Well, I am going to ask you the same question, but in real-time. If you must be quarantined and were stripped of all the material things you had, would you be happy with the person you are with? Life goes fast and life is meant to be lived happily with kindness. Love the one you are with or love yourself enough to take care of yourself. Take this time to map out where your journey is taking you next.
A version of this article originally appeared on www.mydivorcesolution.com.
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